Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

We had such a great father's day. My hubby, my 2 oldest and myself went to the movies to see Toy Story 3. I really liked it. I have to say that I am a big fan of the toy story movies and Pixar in general but it was really good. My mom watched the baby. It was so sweet of her to clean while we were gone. Unfortuately my hubby had to go to work right after the movie and was gone for the rest of the day. He didn't get home til after dinner. But I guess we are getting use to that.

I didn't get to see my dad because he had to work today too. We did make plans to see him next weekend.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Waiting tables

If being a mom to 3 active girls and trying to keep my business going, I wait tables 2 nights a week. I try to work two busy nights without taking up my weekend. I need the money but don't want to take away from family time with hubby. But (this is the but) I am usually so tired after working thursday night and friday night that on saturday morning I don't want to do anything. I am doing this for the family but sometimes I think maybe I should just put the kids in day care and work a 9-5. But then I feel like I wouldn't really know my kids as well as I do and my house would still be a mess because I would not be home all day. I could not imagine having to do all the laundry I have to do if I worked those hours.

I guess you are always second guessing yourself and the decisions my make for your kids and your family. How do you balance it all? How do you do what you want and what you need? I really want my business to grow. I would love for it to actually make money so that it would be what is bringing in the money for the family instead of me having to wait tables. I wish I didn't have to over backwards for business.

For instance, I had a women call saying she wanted to buy a cloth diaper kit for her daughter. I told her that I had to work but she could meet me there and I would bring the item with me to work. I have done this before and it is a good place to meet moms for pickup. I do this the help local moms save on shipping and they can have their items right away. It is the closest thing to having a retail store as I can give at this point. Anyway, I took this big box with me to work and the lady doesn't show. I didn't I just tell her to send me the paypal and then she could just pick up the item. That way I would have been assured the sell and she could still have her item fast w/o having to pay shipping. And if she didn't want the item and not send pp I would have saved myself the stress of making sure I took that darn box with me to work.

Oh Well, such is life I guess.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Test of patience

I really would love to have more babies. But after a day like today I just don't think I can handle the ones I have now. My middle one will simply not listen to me or anyone for that matter. She does what she wants when she wants. Not to mention she can't keep those little hands to herself. I found myself loosing my patience more than once with her today.

How in the world did my grandma do it???? She had 5 kids. Four of those were a year apart. So a newborn, a one yr old, a two yr old and a three yr old. WTF??? How???? Plus she washed her cloth diapers by hand and hung them to dry. OR she would walk to her mothers house a block way with all the kids to wash in her washing machine. But still no dryer. I really wish she was still here to help understand how she did it. I really miss her.

Am I stupid to want another baby. Do I really want another or am I just in love with pregnancy and birth so much that I would want another baby just for that? Man that sounds really silly, it is the truth. I think that pregnacny and birth are one of the most amazing things we as women can do.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

First full day to blog

I have had a very good Sunday. Up way too early but what else is new. We had breakfast then was off to Lowe's for some yard supplies. Washed the diapers and the towels and loaded the dishwasher. Today was the one sunday we have our ICAN meetings. It is a great time to talk to other women about birth and how we feel about it. We support each other in ways I didn't think could be. I love having a place to go to and say how I feel about my births and everyone there understands. I got to take a friend and her new baby boy.

You know after my third baby girl was born I was 100% sure that I did not want to have anymore kids. I knew that after my second I was not ready to stop so when I had that feeling during my third pregnancy I was like "ok so this is it, I know, I am sure". But now I think that it would great to have more babies.

Then I try to think about how this last pregnancy was so hard on my body. Then the whole breastfeeding issues I have. I, ofcourse without a doubt would try to breastfeed the next. If there was a next that is. But also reminds me of all the money it costs for formula. Man I really hated having to buy formula and making bottles.

Anyway, I am happy to say that I am getting some alone time. Mom has all the girls at sis's house swimming.
Time to think about dinner then lots more net surfing.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Personal blog

So I have decided to start a personal blog all about my life at a mom to 3 kids. I am a working mom and want to share my adventures of everyday life. I have 3 kids ages 6, 3, and 1. I own my own business and I wait table at night. Life can be a bit hard but everything I do worth it. I hope that many people will enjoy reading about this. But I am mainly doing this for myself.